Saturday, August 27, 2005

And I thought X-factor was a talent show...

I watched x-factor this week and last and yes I will probably watch it until it ends, I laugh at some, cringe at others but can't help feeling sorry for those who are dreadful but really think they can sing and the worse thing is the judges have actually let some of them through . They are going to get their hopes up and then get chucked out of the competition later on which surely will be worse. I have to admit to agreeing with Simon a lot of the time - he can be a bit blunt and a bit of a twat a lot of the time but atleast he is truthful and doesn't say yes to the ones who can't sing. There was a bloke who came back as a woman who couldn't sing at all, in my opinion anyway, and they let him through. He may have been entertaining but he hasn't got x-factor and will not be able to release a hit single which is surely the whole point of the show, although saying that the real point to the show is to make as much money for the people behind it as possible without a care to who's dreams get shattered in the process like most of the talent shows these days. I will watch it all I expect but I will only vote if someone whose singles/albums I would be likely to buy gets through. I voted for Tabby on the last one and will be buying his new single (which is meant to be out soon !!!). I do take my comment about Steve, who won the last x-factor, back though. I said that I wouldn't be pleased if someone like him one again as he had released albums of covers. Apparently he didn't want to have all covers on his albums but wasn't allowed to use all his own songs, if thats true (which wouldn't surprise me) then I do feel sorry for him even though I probably wouldn't have liked his own songs anway (some people may have done and I might have been surprised!!!) and I personally didn't really like his voice.
Anyway enough of my thoughts on x-factor I've only got a 4 days until I go back to school :-(, I'm not too bothered (although there are a few things i'm worried about) I expect after the first week it'll probably seem like I've never been away and I'll be looking forward to the next holiday *rollseyes* I have got lots to look forward to in the next few months though - I'm going to the Bedford* in London to see Riccardi ** Tuesday, then Saturday I have my cousins birthday party to go to, then the next Saturday I'm going to see the Stereophonics in Birmingham and in October I have a wedding to go to in Cornwall so will be staying down there for a few days :-) but I've also got gcse mock exams to look forward to in November !!! I hope there not on the 14th as that's my birthday - I was at an Alistair griffin concert last year - don't think I'm going to be lucky enough to have that twice though lol. Have got the next Harry Potter film*** coming out 4 days after my birthday though !!! I've been thinking of sending a letter to leavesdown studio's asking if they need any extras for the 5th film, I know it's not very likely I'd get to be one but I've got more chance if I send a letter than if I don't so I guess I've got nothing to lose.

ps. I've written this quite fast so I've probably made mistakes *rollseyes*

* Bedford's website -
** Riccardi's website -
*** Goblet of fire's (next Harry Potter film) official website -


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Jenny said...

Thanks Zelda.

Back to school tomorrow so it means less time on the computer so I'm not sure how much time I'll get to write anything on here...that's if I've got anything to write *rollseyes* lol.