Monday, August 15, 2005

September 1st - Hogwarts or my school ???

I have realised that my summer holidays are nearing the end way too fast. I go back on the 1st September* which seems a long way away but when I counted the days it seems much closer. I don't really seem to have done much of what I wanted to do so far. I still need to buy new black trousers, blazer, shoes and bag for school all of which I'm very fussy about so it could take awhile. I was also going to finish one of my English essays that was meant to be handed in already, get some new songs to play on the keyboard and start to learn to play the guitar again (bought one from eBay awhile ago but didn't get the time to learn it and it was too difficult but thought I'd try again!). I've also been going to bed late, getting up late and spending too much time on the computer so as of tomorrow I'm going to stop being lazy and unorganised . Wonder how long it will last *rollseyes*.

* I think I might go to platform 9 3/4 on the 1st instead of getting into the car to my school, sounds much more interesting at that school ;-) lol Okay I know, I've been reading too much Harry Potter -I'm re-reading all the books - just started book 3 :-) Hoping to take awhile as I read book 4 not that long ago. Although I did only take a couple of days to read both the first 2 books *rollseyes*

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