Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Excitement V Nervousness

I have a Gcse science Chemistry exam tomorrow, I've been getting 33/34 out of 36 in most of the practice tests I've done but I'm still worried I won't do well in the real one *rollseyes* However at the same time as being nervous about that I'm very excited. I'm going to see Alistair Griffin at the Bedford (will be the first time since April) and I will also hopefully be able to meet up with many people from his website forum- some I have met before and hopefully some that I haven't :-)
I still haven't decided what to wear though *rollseyes* lol :-)


Anonymous said...

Ugh, chemistry, I don't envy you that. Good luck for tomorrow (and with all the others). And maybe see you tomorrow night. :-)

Anonymous said...
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Jenny said...

Thanks :-)
Maybe see you tommorrow :-)

Jenny said...

I really can't spell tomorrow lol
Is that right?
It still doesn't look right lol.

Anonymous said...

I'm at school at the moment, getting very excited about this evening lol, only 4ish hours until I leave home.
I thought the Sceience exam wasn't too difficult with the excpetion of one or two questions. :-)

ps. I've done this post without logging in as i can't remember my password lol. I'm automoatically logged on on my home computer.