Sunday, July 01, 2007

O.k so why did I say that?

Today, I spent 7 hours (an hour or so more that for the Luna casting last year, despite arriving for this an hour and a half earlier than that time) queuing at Earls Court to have my photo taken and then go into a room with the casting directors who were looking for someone to play Lavender Brown in the Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. When we were all in there they told us to say our name and age, this bit I managed fine, wasn't shy or too quiet but then had to say something about myself. Now I wasn't the only one to go for the funny option with random facts but looking back I really shouldn't have said 'I really like queuing' and probably should have said 'My dream job would either be an actress or a director' but no,I went for the funny option and couldn't think of anything distinctive to say about myself. They were like 'awww good' when I said it and really I doubt they would not ask me back on the grounds of saying something silly an irrelvant if they'd thought I had the look for the part but still, looking back it's bugging me a little. I did have a laugh waiting to go in, chatting to the other girls around me and I have to say if the oppertunity arose I'd do it all again, though I may well go a little earlier.
I haven't definately not got the chance to go back for a screen test yet, as they were ringing some people supposedly tonight and tomorrow but I'm not overly hopefull.
Now I be rather tired, got up at about 7 this morning, and had been to a family wedding party in the evening yesterday, not getting home until about half 12.

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