Saturday, January 14, 2006

All for the experience

I've had a busy couple of days, if there is an oppertunity to go to something that I want to go to, I usually take it if I can as I think life is for living and I'm trying to enjoy it.
I'm very tired at the moment so will just copy some of the stuff I've posted on other sites and might add more tomorow at some point. :-)

I went on an english trip friday with 11 others to Poetry Live at Portsmouth Guildhall, some of the poet's poems didn't interest me but others did - Simon (?) Armitage was very funny Also int he evening I went with a friend to see Alchemy in Guildford which was good, and we met some girls that had ended up with just the two of them or something like that so we hung around with them for a bit.

Today I went to London but I didn't go with high expectations and it was more just for the experience. I was one of the 15,000 girls (you may have heard about it on t.v/radio - although I think I managed to avoid all camera's ) queued around the streets of London (for 5/6 hours) to audition for a part in the next Harry Potter film. I think I may have skipped a bit of the queue as we joined it somewhere that wasn't the end, but we couldn't find the end as it was winding all around different streets lol and I don't think me and my friend would have made to much difference to anybody behind. We joined the queue about 10.20 and got into the hall about 3ish - when we got in we were told to fill in some details (you had to be between 13-16 and be able to prove it and where you lived, had to be in the U.K, one gilr had queued for longer or about the same time as me and got to the venue to be told that she wasn't allowed in as she was two young even though she didn't look that young) and then (40 at a time) stand infront of two of the casting people and say our name and where we were from and then they choose the few people who they liked (and I think they had their photo taken and then they get back to whoever they like most for actual auditions), neither me or my friend got picked to have our photo taken but as I said before I didn't expect to (if I had I think I'd have been so shocked and nervous about being called back for a proper audition ) and it was still a good experience.

Edit: I was going to add to it today (sunday) but my computer has got to go into PC world so I've not got time now, hopefully it will be back with me tomorow evening and I can add stuff then :-)

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