Thursday, September 08, 2005

My new bag

I decided I didn't want to use the bag I originally bought for school anymore as it's not really big enough - and it drives me mad. It was only £5 so I decided I'd buy another one :-D lol - It's not perfect but it's ok. All the really nice ones are either too small or really big which is a bit annoying but this one will do I think. It was £15 though which I think is a bit expensive for a bag but as long as I use it a lot it's o.k, and it's not me who payed for it lol *rollseyes* :-)
Only a few more days until I go and see the Stereophonics :-) Although that does mean I'll prob be quite tired Monday as I'll be traveling back Sunday, also won't get much time for H.W ect. but it is only one weekend and next Friday is an inset day :-D

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