Saturday, February 03, 2007

Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows

In true Sue (PotterCast) style my response to this is at first squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
I first noticed mentions of a book 7 release in myspace bulletin titles and quickly headed over to to check if this was true. It was - July 21st will see the last in a series be released. I was rather excited when I first read this news but then it hit me, this is the last, the final book, no longer is the reasurance that she can't kill Harry because there will be more books. There wont. However stupid this may sound to those not a fan of the HP series, the final book makes me feel a little sad. It is said that apparently Waterstones are to set up a helpline for people once they have read the final book, I don't expect I will ring but if J K Rowling writes the deaths of any of the main characters it's pretty likely my eyes wont stay dry. I'll admit, I'm emotional, books. films can often quite easily make me cry and the HP books are no different. I become attached to the characters quickly, connect with them, adore them. If they are to die, it's likely I will cry as I did after book 6. I think this shows Jo's talent for writing. The ability to move me to cry uncontrollably about a fictional character's death, even if it be only for a short awhile until I pull myself together and remember that it is after all just that - fiction. Fiction however can be wonderfull, a place to emerse ourselves in, to escape from our current reality and the stresses of every day life. Discover a world completely different to our own, yet still be able to identify with certain aspects, learn, be entertained. The HP books and also to an extent the films (although the books have always remained my favourite of the two) have allowed me to cheer myself up when I've been feeling down and given me something to discuss and theorise about. The Harry Potter experience now, is more than just the initial reading of the books, I've seen the films, I have been to autograph shows to meet the actors from the films, I've had my mum make me a costume, I've based Halloween costumes on things from HP, I've played the computer games, I've bought merchandise and film cells and posters, I've joined serveral websites, I've listened to a podcast about it, I've longed to be able to go to a HP conference and been a little annoyed because I have to be 18. I've lived Harry Potter. To see this come to an end, is a little scary. O.k so it is only the books, the rest will continue for a few more years atleast I expect, there will still be films to release and actors to be met, conventions to be gone to.However I fear it will no longer be the same, answers of questions from previous books will be known, unanswered questions in this last book may never be answered so theorising will no longer be the same. Beloved characters gone, even though the never really existed in the beginning.

O.k so at the moment, I'm excited and thinking about where to go to get the last book, debating where there will be large book release events, where I can emerse myself in the excitement of hundreds of people, all waiting, nervous excitement surrounding me, most hoping no one is their to spoil this last book for them before they themselves can finish this final book.

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