Tuesday, January 23, 2007

I just can't get enough, it makes me so happy

Well that title could be applied to many a thing in my life at the moment, but doesn't actually have alot of relevance to what this blog is planned to be about (the intended subject could be forgotten if i get distracted, thinking about it i'm not entirely sure what the reason for posting this was anymore) but it is from a new song posted by Tabby Callaghan which I rather like at the moment. :)

I'm now feeling rather better, been back to college, did my media exam (which I think went o.k, though I came out and was soon reminded of lots of words I should/could have included but my mind was slightly on thinking about having been ill so my mind wasn't as into it as I prob should have been, but I still hope that I did do o.k as I did write alot about some things, just didn't include a few other things and some of the media jargon I knew), and I've been to play pool and things, still got a bit of a cold though. I've been planning my Media a bit more, I now have another volunteer so it's just a case of getting them to a good place and filming it. I've also been having a look around for some music to go with it, at the moment I'm considering songs by either Tabby, Stereophonics or The View though I could still find something else.

I've just realised I'm a bit behind in listening to PotterCasts, I've been a bit busy whenever I've come online, o.k so mainly talking to people (my bf mostly) on msn but that's not the point lol, I have been busy doing some work aswell. I've got a few IT assignments done and handed in but I also have another couple to be working on which could be tricky and time consuming. There isn't as much pressure to get that done as there is for my media and english though. I've almost finished my first piece of english coursework, a article for an Animal Aid magazine so am starting to thinking about what I'll do for the second piece, at the moment I'm thinking it will most likely be some sort of reviews page for a music magazine. I think aslong as I spend enough time on this I will get it done in time. My media however, which is also due about March time, is a bit more of a concern as it involves filming which I'm just not sure when I can get time to do and then I'll have to edit it and then write an evaluation and if you don't get it in by the deadline you fail, so that's a little scary, but I just need to make sure I set aside enough time and get on with it i guess.

I'm still on the search for gigs and other things to go to lol, and I watched 2 new dvds recently - The Sweetest Thing and Wimbledon, both quite good films with happy endings which is something I do like, TST is a rather sexually charged film though I have to say, and W is rather sweet with a nice bit of comedy thrown in for good measure. All in all two rather enjoyable films but Wimbledon would prob be my favourite out of the two.

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