Monday, February 06, 2006

Tuesday's child

I have now finished a 2nd Louise Bagshawe book, after I enjoyed reading Monday's child I thought it would be good to read Tuesday's child and although not as good as the first, it was still an enjoyable read. Whereas in the first book, you knew really what was going to happen quite early on but in this noe although, to an extent you did there were a few surprises, for instance I did not think Todd would end up in court for Fraud or something along those lines and I actually didn't see the Victoria thing coming, I thought he didn't like her lol, but I did correctly guess who Lucy would end up with. As was the same in the last book though, when I got to the end I wanted more, although I can imagine what would have happened I wanted to read about Victoria's reaction and Lucy's family and read about their wedding and everything. I know some people prefer things to be left like that but I'm one who loves to read all the little details.

Not sure what to read now, I get confused if I go to the library with all the rows of books and no idea where to start looking or what I'm really looking for, yet I really enjoy reading but never know what to, I think I need to find something soon, before I start to re-re-reading the Harry Potter books ;-) lol

If anyone's got any suggestions for books that they think I might like going by what I've posted about the others that I have read or just has some that they really like, leave a comment :-)

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