Sunday, November 18, 2007

On my party and being 18

Now, being 18, I can look back and think about how I've changed. Although my voice may still be quiet (I can't help that, thats who I am) but I have got so much more confident and do speak alot more now. I am just alot more confident and happy in myself anyway. I've realised it doesn't matter that people will try and laugh at me or annoy me or put me down because if I don't care about them I don't care what they think. If I'm having a good time and happy then whatever anyone else thinks generally doesn't mean a thing. It's those who are closest to me whose opinions of me I value.

I've also realised that I so made the right decision to go to a college where few of my school friends were going as I've made some lovely awesome amazing friends and I'm so much happier now.

The party I had was awesome, thanks to my friends and family who are all rather cool. Some people I think tried to spoil it but that backfired on them if that is what they were trying to do because I actually don't care about them anymore as I have moved on and got myself some lovely friends. College is cool. lol

1 comment:

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