Sunday, December 28, 2008

2008 and 2009

Well it's that time of year again when we decide we should look back to the years that's been and forward to the one that is to come. So starting with 2008, some things I have learnt -

You can make all the plans in the world but sometimes things will just happen the way they want to.
If you're going to try and have intimate relations whilst out somewhere with wood, take cushions.
I can do my own washing, although it is inevitable that something will end up smaller than it was to start with.
Things, and people, can change so much in such a short amount of time
Trust your inuition, it is probably right.
Leaving Uni work to the last minute, it is not a good idea, especially when it involves making a short film
Making friends is a lot easier when drinking has occurred
No matter how against drinking lots of alcohol you are before going to Uni, you will still end up drunk a lot of the time
Things happen that you will regret
Karma does (probably) exist.

Well that be just a few things, I'm sure there is so much more I have learnt and just don't remember having done so this year now. So much has happened and changed this past year. I have really had three completely different stages of this year when I have been with different guys and despite the upset I wouldn't change the majority of it all, it was so much fun but now having gone to Uni I am so different but still think there is more needed to change until I am completely happy with myself. So onto next year and some resolutions -

1) Get healthier/fitter
2) Try not to get drunk every single night and do some work, get sleep instead
3) Also try not to get banned from the SU again this year
4) Work harder
5) Go to more of the society stuff and make more/closer friends
6) Learn to trust people more and be less easily jealous
7) Get better at dancing
8) Get more confident
9) Sort some stuffs out
10) Get a job
11) Learn to cook/be tidier and stuffs

There are probably more, I'm not sure at the moment, and having looked at last years, some things will also be a resolution and may never completely be achieved but we can give it ago and aslong as I keep trying that's what matters, I guess, maybe anyway. But anyways enough about me (even though this is my blog and all :P) I hope you all had a great Christmas and I hope you all have a brilliant new year and that 2009, for all of us, is the best year yet. :)

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